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New: Retro Glass Jug

Timeless elegance

Elevate your table with a 330ml Retro Glass Jug, blending classic design and durable hardened glass.

Durable glass

Crafted from resilient thick glass, this jug ensures lasting quality, making it perfect for everyday use with a touch of vintage charm.

Versatile charm

The Retro Glass Jug’s classic silhouette effortlessly complements any setting, making it the ideal choice for serving beverages with style and flair.

What our customers say

Quality, accuracy, gratitude, recommending

Alhamdulillah bagus bahannya,sesuai pesanan. Semoga awet. Terimakasih penjual responnya baik.recomended


Advantage, accessory, neat

Bagus sekali, kelebihan beli disini adalah didalam tasnya ada perekatnya lagi, jadi baju tdk bergeser geser dan tetap rapi


Quality, low priced, affordable

Buaguus bangeeet. kualitasnya sama kayak yg harga di atas 100rb an. tp di sini murce banget. siiipp


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Home decor

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Retro photography

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 3 out of 3

Handmade gifts

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Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 2 out of 4.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 3 out of 4.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 4 out of 4.
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